Sunday, November 8, 2020

Where did 2020 go? Are we having Turkey this Thanksgiving and being Thankful? No Skipping!! Picking up the Scraps....

Oh my!! 2020 flashed right before my eyes.. It's already November.   People are discussing weather or not to celebrate Thanksgiving and skip right over it.  Or combining it with Christmas.  What does Columbus have to do with Christ's Birth.  


When we took religion out of the classroom, did we remove God from our kids too.  Parents get involved with your children.  I am so included in this category.  I was not involved with my child as much as I should  have been.   Reading the Bible with him.  Letting him understand God. John 1:1-18.

God is not chasing us to believe in him, but He believes in us.  I can do all things because God strengthens me.  God is Love! The Key for Freedom!  Take God into your heart!

He gave us the Gift of Love.  His only Son to die for OUR SINS.  And we throw that back at him, because we choose to be spiritual in Our Own Way.  It's not too late for any one!!  Because God Believes in YOU! 

When we are Baptized we take the Holy Spirit into our hearts and then we are free.  God's love comes to us in the Holy Spirit guiding us to know what is Good.  Acts 22:16

I'm a Christian.  That does not mean I'm perfect. I still sin. It's harder to be a believer or is it.?  Without His love in your heart, where do you go for direction.  I was a lost sheep, and I know my life without him was all a jumble.  Now with his direction, it seems so simple.  

 Remember as Christians to do as Jesus would do, with love in your heart.  If you sin, ask for forgiveness. O

ur God is an awesome God!!  Be thankful for the littlest things! and Pray, because it does go directly to Our Lord.

Heavenly Father, I ask that you bless all the people who read this and Bless them weather the comments are good or bad.  Help them to feel the peace in their hearts with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  In Jesus' Name Amen!