Friday, August 16, 2024

Tags, Journaling cards and rubber stamp haul


Creating tags using tickets, label's and phrases.  Collaging them onto an altered file folder. 

A cute Journal card created with lace and dye cut

A Stamp haul. Purchased at a garage sale.
I’ve been re-organizing my crafty room. I have an abundance of supplies. 🤭❤️💯 Thank you for your support on MKay’s Artful Journey on YouTube ❤️💯

Happy August 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Where to start?


In the beginning, that was nothing, Then I got my first stamp, and it just ran from there. I was buying stamps and paper and in all sorts of things. I even sold stamps In the mall at a kiosk and then I sold stamping up and bought stamping up and bought dots and bought Creative Memories close to my heart Tupperware oh wait that’s not….  Then I got older and I decided that I should only have one Craft so I stopped scrapbooking. I stopped stamping, but I still buy stamps.  And now, I’m a journal maker which still entitles me to stamping, scrapbooking, and sewing…

I quit buying from the big box stores and going to the thrift stores. It’s like my favorite pastime, but I need to set up a selling location for my stuff because it’s going nowhere and I’m just getting more not a good thing because it overwhelms me.

So go this year is to set up a selling site. I’m looking at one site called.Ko-Fi. I just have to do it.

Everybody there seems to sell digital, but I would like to sell a product and I mail it off. Wish me luck.❤️💯

Monday, December 4, 2023

Christmas Time is Here


In November I did a Christmas Bazaar. It was very successful.  I sold my journals, and I gifted a few away too.  My husband supported me. It was great. 

Time to make room for the tree, bake cookies, wrap presents and hang stockings.

Doing a Christmas Daily Journal, and creating a Christmas Journal.

More to come….

Friday, August 18, 2023

Thank God for the greenlight

 Life happens, and everything disappears, but one thing to keep in your heart is our Lord.  When He is prevalent, things go right. So in the morning when you get up, thank the Lord for the sky, the sun and the moon, the clouds.  Thank God for your children, your husband and your family, and your life.

I have many gifts, I’m an artist, I’m giving, and knowledgeable of many things. But one thing I’ve learned is that God is in control.  Sometimes we forget, and we let fear control our every move.  God loved us first and He will continue to love us unconditionally.  

Now I know there are people who disagree with my thoughts it’s OK, but I’m praying for you because it does go somewhere. It goes to God and Jesus and then it comes back down to you. So remember that, when you make a remark, that is cruel, I’m a mirror and it reflects back on you.

I want to say God bless your heart that positive things will happen for you.  Don’t take God for granted, thank Him for all the things he does for us.  And pray every day for everybody, for you. God Made You in his image, so do as he would do.

Remember when one leaves either by death or just separates themselves from us, we need to Thank God for the time they have been able to spend with us, and then you get to look forward to seeing them again.

I hope these word resonate in your hearts and you seek His Word for guidance.  In Jesus Name Amen 🙏🏻❤️💯🕊🌈

Saturday, January 1, 2022

 Happy New Year all. 

I hope to start the new year off with more videos on YouTube and possibly a new name.  God Bless everyone!✨🙏🏻❤️🎊💯

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

What to do with Ephemera…junk Journals. ❤️💯✨


  1. Thrift Stores
  2. Your personal filing cabinet
  3. Garage sales
  4. Antique Malls
  5. Crafty friends down sizing their stash

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Where did 2020 go? Are we having Turkey this Thanksgiving and being Thankful? No Skipping!! Picking up the Scraps....

Oh my!! 2020 flashed right before my eyes.. It's already November.   People are discussing weather or not to celebrate Thanksgiving and skip right over it.  Or combining it with Christmas.  What does Columbus have to do with Christ's Birth.  


When we took religion out of the classroom, did we remove God from our kids too.  Parents get involved with your children.  I am so included in this category.  I was not involved with my child as much as I should  have been.   Reading the Bible with him.  Letting him understand God. John 1:1-18.

God is not chasing us to believe in him, but He believes in us.  I can do all things because God strengthens me.  God is Love! The Key for Freedom!  Take God into your heart!

He gave us the Gift of Love.  His only Son to die for OUR SINS.  And we throw that back at him, because we choose to be spiritual in Our Own Way.  It's not too late for any one!!  Because God Believes in YOU! 

When we are Baptized we take the Holy Spirit into our hearts and then we are free.  God's love comes to us in the Holy Spirit guiding us to know what is Good.  Acts 22:16

I'm a Christian.  That does not mean I'm perfect. I still sin. It's harder to be a believer or is it.?  Without His love in your heart, where do you go for direction.  I was a lost sheep, and I know my life without him was all a jumble.  Now with his direction, it seems so simple.  

 Remember as Christians to do as Jesus would do, with love in your heart.  If you sin, ask for forgiveness. O

ur God is an awesome God!!  Be thankful for the littlest things! and Pray, because it does go directly to Our Lord.

Heavenly Father, I ask that you bless all the people who read this and Bless them weather the comments are good or bad.  Help them to feel the peace in their hearts with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  In Jesus' Name Amen!